By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
-John 13:35
We believe the organizations we sponsor live up to that.

C12 - Christian Business Peer Advisory Groups
Each month, C12 gathers thousands of Christian CEOs and business owners in Peer Advisory Groups across the globe. These leaders help each other make better decisions, avoid costly mistakes, create solid plans for growth, and thrive in their calling to create impact beyond the bottom line.

EHMI - East Haven Mountain, Inc.
At EHMI “The Cabin” we invite people from all walks of life to invest in Key areas of their lives such as relationships, vision and faith. By encouraging, helping, and mentoring our guests, we are able to fulfill this mission.
If you are tired, come and rest! If you are busy, come and slow down! If you need direction, come and gain perspective! If you are bored, come and feel alive!

Youth With A Mission is a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups, and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world.

Stonecoast Community Church
Stonecoast Community Church exists to love God, love our neighbor, and serve both. We will care for the poor, give hope to the next generation, and bring dignity and compassion to the marginalized. We’d love for you to join us.

Bethany Christian Services demonstrates the love and compassion of Jesus by protecting children, empowering youth, and strengthening families through quality social services. They help vulnerable children in the US, refugees & imigrants, and global families.

Mission E4
In our capacity as full-time missionaries in Haiti, we were responsible for the oversight of 19 elementary schools, a high school, 18 churches, and a medical clinic. We had the privilege of leading about 70 short-term mission teams during our stay in Haiti and 30 other teams from 2005 to 2011. In total, we have led over 3000 individuals on overseas trips.

Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Massachusetts
Special Olympics is changing the way people with intellectual disabilities are seen in the world. Join us and help create a more inclusive community where you live. Through the power of sport, Special Olympics athletes with intellectual disabilities show:
- That they can compete in 23 olympic-type sports
- That they can train and improve their skills
- That they can develop teamwork and communication skills.

Grace Chapel
Grace Chapel is a church with five locations and one shared purpose: to help you discover life with God. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey – whether a lifelong follower of Jesus or you’ve never been to church before – you are welcome here!

New England Chapel
What makes New England Chapel unique? You. We are a church of real people, living and working in the real world. So everything we do is geared towards helping you experience God and embrace a faith that is helpful for everyday life.

Harmony Women’s Care
If you think you are pregnant there are many great reasons you should make Harmony Women’s Care your first step. In a quick and easy one-hour appointment, we will give you the crucial answers you need as you consider your options.